Windows Mobile 7 OS – A Serious Competitor To Android Or Not

Microsoft has unveiled suite of applications for Windows 7 Phone Edition completely renewed: homepage updated dynamically, divided into seven thematic panels and finger-friendly.

Four panels are devoted to the notifications for calls, for SMS, emails and Facebook. One box is reserved for the largest gallery, pictures, profile is connected to Xbox Live and one to Me

For now it seems that no trace of the alleged Microsoft Phone, or Zune Phone.

The new software is so oriented to provide social approach to operating systems and innovative mobile user experience with the complete integration.

The stated goal by Steve Balmer is to differentiate from the “crowded market of mobile phones with similar formats and that they all do the same things.”

Series Phone With Windows 7, Microsoft brings together in one phone and music video content and games Zune Xbox LIVE. Particular attention has been paid to social networks: for example, creating section dedicated to friend you can be updated constantly on him directly from the screen.

The new mobile phones with Windows 7, which will be available on the shelves from next Christmas, will be equipped with hardware button dedicated to Bing, for one-click access to search capabilities, whatever the screen in that moment on phone.

Finally, the activity center (hub) in Windows Phone will be collated in single view content on six specific themes: Persons, Images, Games, Music and Movies, Marketplace, Office (including Outlook Mobile with integral).

Will it be serious competitor to Android OS? In my opinion, probably not, but time will tell.

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