What Memory Card Do I Use For My Cellphone

Jonathan C asked:

I have the voice of LG (Canadian odd spelling) and I want to get music from my CD 's, the largest satellites, etc. on the phone. I know that I need certain kind of memory card, but what kind? As is usually cost and where I buy. In addition, suggestions for transducers earphones that I can buy for use with the cell?

3 thoughts on “What Memory Card Do I Use For My Cellphone”

  1. Um its a micro sd card can buy it anywhere like radio shack or Frys eletronics and you could use any 2.5mm headphones and they should work normal headphones wouldnt work.

  2. You can buy a micro-sd card to put in it. They’re hella tiny, and pretty inexpensive. I know walmart has them, they’re with the camera supply stuff.

  3. my service is AT&T, so i went into a local att store and asked them about the memory card and earphones.
    my memory card (which is 512MB cost $20 and im not sure on how much the earphones cost) but the best help i can give you, is to go into your service store and ask them about it.

  4. heyy.! ok so memory card costs for 1 GB about 10 to 15 dollars which i personally would recommend but if you want tons of memory 2 GB and so on it would be abt 20 and up. try walmart or target or your wireless store to get the best deals.ask them what type to get for your phone just in case. now earphones go to walmart to get them real cheap!! like 5 dollars! just ask the clerk what type to get for your phone. i hope you found this helpful

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