1 thought on “What Is The Role Of ADP In Cellular Respiration”

  1. ADP is the ‘de energized’ form of ATP. In cellular respiration various processes take place. One of them is phosphorylation (add a phosphate group) onto one ADP molecule to form ATP. ADP stands for Adenosine DiPhosphate. (Di because there’s 2 phosphate groups attached.) When we form ATP we add a phosphate group to form ATP or Adenosine TriPhosphate ( Tri= 3). And it is in this bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate that is considered to be the “high energy bond” of the molecule. When you break this bond, a lot of energy is released.

    So in cellular respiration the cell’s main goal is to create ATP so it can later hydrolyze (break off) that 3rd phosphate group to harness some of the energy that is released.

    I hope this helps! Best of Luck.

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