What Happens If A Driver Hits A Pedestrian Whilst On A Mobile Phone

mobile phone
adamhead2005 asked:

Continu aare see drivers that for half of mobile phones while driving up and down my street. What would be the legal position, says in case pedestrian was hit by driver while on mobile phone? What 's to stop pedestrians or other drivers who deliberately throw over to vehicles moving / that stop in drivers who can be seen on their mobile phones and then faining some kind of whiplash / wound and demanding compensation? (the United Kingdom meets only)

4 thoughts on “What Happens If A Driver Hits A Pedestrian Whilst On A Mobile Phone”

  1. Being on a mobile phone doesnt make you at fault for an accident. If someone threw themselves in front of your car.. obviously they would be at fault therefore they would get nothing. Just like if someone rearended someone on a cell phone the person who rearended them would still be at fault. Being on the phone has nothing to do with liability.

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