Upgrade HTC Dual Touch To Windows Mobile 6.1

htc windows mobile
Sunken8 asked:

Hey types, i 'the VE just bought used HTC doubles. I think the current Windows Mobile 6. i 'd Gradica the upgrade to 6.1 before they begin using it, but i can' t seem to find the newest satellites. I 'm with vodafone, it is true that you have to get updates / upgrades from vodafone and not from the windows themselves? Can anyone recommend whether there is even an update, however, or that I am trying something that isn 't available? Or if, as I go about obtaining it. Thanks lot

3 thoughts on “Upgrade HTC Dual Touch To Windows Mobile 6.1”

  1. Unless the person you bought if from downgraded it, The Duals come with WM 6.1

    It was the first US device released with it.

  2. In Australia, the HTC Dual Touch could only be purchased with WM6, any one who buy’s one here will only get WM6, if you don’t believe this, that’s life, its a fact so get over it.

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