Ericsson Cuts Staff, Nokia Closes Shops

The rivalry in the telecommunication market has gone really intense lately with companies sueing each other and many facing big losses in profit. Two mobile companies from Scandinavia – Nokia and Ericsson have decided to cut down costs. They seem to try to slow the effects of the crisis. Ericsson announced to lose about thousand … Read more

Sony Ericsson Aino Software Problems

Sony Ericsson confirms the existence of problems in one second model of their smartphones, which the company has based its strategy for return to the path of profits next year. A spokesman for the world fourth largest manufacturer of mobile phones, admitted that “a number of users of the new smartphone Sony Ericsson Aino had … Read more

What Is The Latest Cellphones That Is About $100-$350

Patricia M asked: I found Sony-Ericsson K850i, W950i, P1i. And LG VU. Please aiutilo and find phone that is touch screen or at least very stylish and polished. in case you could find phone called Sony Ericsson k850i that is not false and unlocked. that would be useful to real or Sony Ericsson p1i that … Read more