Samsung launches the Galaxy Spica (i5700), which is smaller brother for their first Android based mobile phone called Galaxy. The Spica is equipped with 3.2 inch touch screen and the Reality Layar browser on board.
The Spica has 3 megapixel camera , which is less than its big brother with 5 megapixels. The internal memory is 180 MB is very small, the external memory can be expanded via Micro SD up to 32 GB.
As for the E-mails, blogs and networking, you can write messages through the virtual qwerty keyboard. It is handy that Samsung Spica is equipped with DivX, making videos no longer have to be implemented at the mobile phone. The device has 3.5 mm jack so you can connect your own headphones with it.
The Layar browser Reality imposes kind of digital camera image of the layer over the phone. Users passing through the lens to look at that one house for sale on Funda receive direct selling in the picture. Information from Facebook, IENS, Radar and Outdoor ilocal is thus characterized.
Samsung Spica Touchscreen
Operation is via capacitive touchscreen. You do not press hard on the display to get something done. The Samsung Spica can slip your fingers. Similar to the iPhone and other expensive equipment.
Samsung Spica Camera
As mentioned, the camera of the Samsung Spica is worse than in the Galaxy. The Spica has 3.15 Megapixel camera. That seems bit small but it delivers images of up to 2048 × 1536 pixels. 24 inch monitor so you just have not enough resolution to reduce them without viewing. Nevertheless, when the camera is important, it is not the Spica dehand the most natural choice for new phone.
Android on Samsung i5700 Spica
The Spica comes with Google’s Android 1.5 (Cupcake) preinstalled. By using Android are Gmail and Google applications like Google Maps and Docs to do their duty. Moreover, new applications can be easily installed on your Samsung Spica through the Android AppStore. Installed in each case for the integration with Google Talk, YouTube, and Calendar. The Appstore is adding Twitter and Facebook applications on your Samsung Spica is very simple.
According to Samsung, the terminal will be released firstly in Europe and then it will also be released on the Asian market.
The Samsung Galaxy Spica is already available for retail price around € 349 in Europe.
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