Samsung widens the range of mobile phones that use the revolutionary platform of Vodafone 360. Now it will be available in stores and online shops within the new Samsung M1 – the second Samsung phone which was created specifically for the Vodafone 360 services.
Vodafone 360 is the new open platform for Vodafone to meet all your contacts in single category of mobile social networking, instant messaging and email. It can also access the shop, where there are numerous applications, music and games, do research on the Internet and through the navigation and the GPS function and’ can find the easiest way to each destination. After launching the first handset Vodafone 360, the Samsung H1, and ‘now available on the market another Samsung model to allows all customers to enjoy up to the revolutionary suite of Vodafone services 360.
The new Vodafone 360 Samsung M1 has 1GB internal memory, expandable with Micro SD cards, 3-megapixel camera, 3.2-inch display. Connectivity ‘and’ guaranteed by HSDPA access, Wi-Fi and integrated Bluetooth and GPS for navigation. All services Vodafone 360 will be available in the coming months on growing range of mobile phones.
A lot of good extra information about this phone can be found at Samsung M1 Forum
Vodafone offers all customers 360 Mobile Internet, surf the Internet and enjoy the best of all the services and Apps Vodafone 360 with traffic included up to 500Mb per week or 2 GB per month than the price of EUR 3 per week for refillable or 10 euros per month for subscriptions. Mobile Internet 360 and ‘in free promotion as long as 30 November 2009. All customers who choose one of the planes easier Vodafone 360, will have the new phone at favorable prices from 0 € up to 249 €, as well as to all men, to unlimited number Vodafone preferred, without fee. For customers who choose the offer Vodafone 360 in installments, will also be available on new Vodafone 360 Samsung M1 to 129 € with monthly contribution of only 6 € for 24 months.
In addition, all customers who subscribe subscription promotion Mobile Internet 360 will be active immediately Daily Travel Tariff Phone, which offers 5MB at 5 € day to browse and enjoy the services Vodafone 360 when travelling in Europe. Finally, for those who wish to communicate with their friends without limitations, you can turn the plane Vodafone Zero Limits, only 1 € per week, to have lots of advantages such as 1000 minutes of calls and video calls after the first minute and 100 SMS messages 100 MMS free every day to all Vodafone numbers after the first of the day, plus surf for free with Vodafone 360 as long as 30 November 2009 and subsequently to 30 cents day. Vodafone 360 Samsung M1 is also available for all residential customers to 299 euros.
I’ve been lent an M1 by my father whilst my Sony C905 goes back (again) because the speakers don’t work…
But my god, I think I’d rather have a silent Sony than this Samsung rubbish.
My dad, who is not an expert in phones, was tricked into taking this phone on his last upgrade by a salesperson at a Vodafone store who promised it was easy to use and perfect for him…
Well, he used it for 30 minutes before putting his sim card back in a 6 year old Siemens phone.
I’ve borrowed it now and realised just how awful it is. The first thing that I noticed was that it took ages to start up. Then I had to create a 360 account… which was easier said than done. Eventually I got into the phone and tried to bluetooth my contacts list from my Sony. The Samsung couldn’t read the standard vcard file. So I had to upload from my sim card, which then meant I had to edit every contact back into a normal format that looked like a name rather than 1~smith;b for example.
Then the hell I created when I added Facebook… Suddenly my “phonebook” was full of everyone on my facebook as well as my normal contacts. Oh great. So every time I wanted to make a call or send a text I had to wade through people’s facebook contacts and their updates trying to find a phone number. Eventually I managed to delete facebook off the phone and then manually remove all the contacts from it. But the phonebook is still stupid with some kind of “3D” effect… just awful and completely senseless. Every phone I’ve ever used has a list, but Samsung and Vodafone clearly thought this stupid rotating thing was a step forward.
Things got worse. I managed to set an MP3 as my ringtone but became stumped when I tried to use my usual MP3 SMS alert. I have now discovered that Samsung and Vodafone have clearly decided that I shouldn’t be allowed to do this and that I must choose one of their three horrible little noises. None of which are audible when anywhere where noise levels are above a whisper and are quite frankly a bit fluffy. But I am sure you know best…
Ever since I have had a colour screen mobile (sometime back in the early 2000’s) I have had a photo wallpaper, sometimes my car and more recently my other half. But again Samsung and Vodafone have decided that they know better, obviously all I want to look at is their awful cheaply made and clearly iPhone immitating menu. Even when the phone is locked or in sleep you only get a clock in the font of their choice.
The touchscreen itself is awful as well, it is so slow. And the text input is particularly poor. If you are using the predictive text and want to use a word that isn’t there you have to come out of predictive using a backward menu system and enter it, before going back to predictive. There is no “Add Word” facility. Bad. Really bad.
The camera is poor (only 3.2mp, I had that four years ago on a Sony C series) and there is no flash, not even an LED.
The apps available are shocking and there is nothing I would even want. At least you decided that I must have your F1 app and your Time Out app. I don’t know how I lived without them.
To conclude, this is a terrible phone and if you are considering buying one don’t. If you don’t like it and it doesn’t suit you then you are stuck with it. Oh yes, Vodafone tie you into a TWO YEAR contract and refuse to accept any exchange whatsoever.
What next?
Well, hopefully my C905 will be fixed again and I can get back to a Sony. As for my dad, he’s just spent £90 on a C510 Sony to replace this. And once the contract is up he’ll be leaving Vodafone after 15 years as a loyal business customer. And so will I, and so will my brother and my mother and my girlfriend.
Well done Vodafone and Samsung. Job well done.
I totally agree, this phone really SUCKS!!!! The music player does not work, the alarm only works when your charger isn’t connected, the battery runs low in TWO days and I use this phone less than my previous phones! Reason why I don’t use it as much? This phone is so slow, it takes ages to open the SMS inbox (and therefore you cannot start a textmessage right away, you have to open the inbox first…).
Terrible phone, the store won’t take it back! Really disappointed!
I bought this phone yesterday, if you want the contacts to go off the 3d one you press the people button again. -.-
This phones great und the only thing thats bad about it is that i dont know how to bluetooth songs, apart from this, its a great phone and i would recomend it to anyone.
And whatever you both said, it doesnt happen to my one.
Best phone i ever had, and also my first touch screen phone.
Its awesome. 🙂
Now, im telling you i always buy sony erricssons and theyre the best to buy but the satio’s rubbish. ;D
I agree with all the negative comments regarding this phone…it’s utter crap and takes an eternity to open the messaging application…so much so that my friends think i’m ignoring them when really it’s a case of it being ‘too much work’ to reply at times…on the plus side it has cut down my fone bills!! It is also quiet moody and ‘sticks’ regularly so not very reliable if you had to make an emergency call or send an emergeny text. I almost flung it in the ditch in frustration one day…i’m sure other users can empathise with this feeling!!!
Omg the people above are riduculous apart from like one of them! Stop being so pathetic, its £10 a month for me with 300 free texts, and unlimtited texts and interent which i think is pretty decent. Oh there is a F1 app you dont want, this must be the end! Dry your eyes you loser, its a phone if your so amazing that you can afford better then buy better and dont come on here moaning about it?
I think its a great phone, it can go a bit slow sometimes but so can the best of phones. I don’t think the keypad is particularly hard to use, it took me like an hour to get the hang of it (if that!). I think the majority of the apps are great ive obviously deleted the F1 app but the Youtube one, the weather one and the majority of the others are quite good. Its a whole lot better than my last brick of a phone anyway! If your so picky that you want a certain range of apps then you must be able to afford a better phone that can accomodate that, in which case shut up, stop moaning and get a better phone? And if not deal with it, it phones people, it texts people (fine for me – you must just have fat fingers and no patience), it has internet and everything else I look for in a phone.
And I also think the camera is good aswell 🙂
I would like to know how to make internet pages like facebook an application if this is even possible? If not I will just go onto the internet and get it through the bookmark that is easy to make and access. But oh my god, this will take a few seconds I don’t know if i can wait that long. My god, some people are so annoying.
If your an impatient, unappreciative snob don’t get the phone. If not I think it’s a great phone, my first touchscreen and I would reccoment it to anyone!
* 300 free minutes!
This phone is awful,
slowest thing ever,
takes ages to turn on,
wont even let me set a ringtone,
it told me to download software, i did that took about half an hour and it let me have a wallpaper and made my keypad smaller.
I wouldn’t recommend this phone to anyone!
It will randomly tell you your ‘Text Memories Full’
Will not let you recieve any texts, i delete ALL my texts and ALL my pictures and some of my songs but it still doesnt work until i turn it on and off a few times.
if you drop it the battery falls out so easily,
and if you want to send a quick text its just effort because the inbox takes ages to come up!
do not buy this phone!
i pay £37 a month for 300 minutes a month, unlimted texts, and unlimted internet and insurance i think its a bit of a rip of to be honest, i could get better deals with an iphone.
yeah this phone is terrible, mine keeps coming up with an error saying text memory full even though i hav 2GB free space on a memory card and now it wont recieve texts or calls
Just got the phone, just read the comments above. have to say my jury is out, but it cant be as bad as the blackberry storm2 which is quite frankly the worst handset I have ever had! good apps, but completely rubbish as a phone! fingers crossed for this one!!
A poor performing phone indeed. Even the antenna is poor. The 360 website is just as slow. It is too cumbersome to be a “smart” phone. The touch facility is not very responsive. I’m sorry I wasted my money on it.
This is a terrible phone!!!!!! My father bought this for himself and then asked me if I wanted to have it… I was happy i’d have a touch screen phone but now I wish i had never accepted his offer…!!! This must be slowest phone EVER!!! Sometimes i just wanna call someone and it takes like 30secs from the time i press CALL until it actually starts calling!!! I mean WTF??? Not to mention the SMS application… Might as well take 1min just to check what they have sent you… You need to be really patient with this crap phone! If not then u’ll probably smash it in the first day!!
DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE!!! Best advice u’ll ever get!!!
The Samsung M1 is the worst phone ever. Has anyone else noticed Vodafone has withdrawn it from sale. No prizes for gussing why.
I got the H1, a slightly different model from this but basically exactly the same, I got it when I changed to Vodafone from Virgin, I have had 2 in the past 6 months, after in the first week it froze on the 360 bit, and now it is in a repair shop due to over-heating and battery life (2hours when I only send text’s on it). It was this or a blackberry, god i wish I’d chose the blackberry, this phone is confusing, slow, over heats incredibly! And now Vodafone has deleted my 360 account! And they no longer sell this phone (M1 or H1) and they no longer have an option for it on Vodafone 360, I’ve lost all my numbers, all my pictures, music, everything. And I have another year and a half with it! Honestly, do not buy this phone, WORST phone I have ever had, I was much happier with my Samsung Jet, which admittedly didn’t do as much as the H1 or M1, but did all the basic thing’s I need, and still looked modern and light. My last rant is about the bluetooth, you can’t bluetooth music! I can do that on my temporary spark phone from about 10years ago! and the fact there’s no wallpaper, but they did add a sort of substitute on the latest update (the update that broke my phone). I have one good comment and that is the camera (in my opinion) is very good, no different than my dad’s digital camera!
I agree so badly! I have had this phone since february and i have been using a sony ericsson from 5years ago, which is far better, it doesnt freeze and if is responsive unlike the M1. It used to freeze the second i got a phone call so i couldnt answer and is now in the repair shop for the second time, if you send it in 3 times, they replace it with a totally new phone. Good luck !
I got this phone last Christmas and feel like crying
for the people saying they bought it two days ago and that we are all overexajerating then you will soon understand how we all feel.
I am a teenager and I only like keeping phones for a year before I get bored of them like every teenager but I’m tied to this with a two year contract.
And for whoever said just buy a new phone I can’t I don’t have a job cos I’m too young to get a good one at the moment and my mum can barely afford to get me anything as it is never mind a new phone. I’m using her old samsung toco it is SO much better than this piece of CRAP!!!!
everything you said is spot on! i’ve got one and its terrible – i agree with your dad on leaving the company when i eventually get out of the contract & in the meantime, i will be buying a normal phone! at least it might actually switch on within 10 minutes of pressing the on button! grr. absolute fail of a phone!
i agree with most of the bad comment here.
i bought the phone at november of this year in december i needed to take it to the store because:
1. i could not call WITHOUT putting it on speaker-_-
2. my music didn’t play WITHOUT the earplugs.
3. i’ve never used a phone as terrible slow as this one..
4.the interface s*cks (i’m sorry for te fowl language but it’s how i feel n_n)
5. my battery is emty within 9 ours:S like -_-
but i’m going to someone else but vodafone anyway because i took my phone to the store on the 13th of december and i still don’t have it back:S
for so long i have put my sim in my old nokia 1200 and even that phone is better and that one isn’t even from this millenium:P i got that phone in 1998 xD
anyway don’t buy this phone because it ruin’s your personal life because of the slowlyness and even don’t bother to take a contract at vodafone because they don’t know where they talking about,
thank you very much n_n
I think this phone is really great, i got it quite a while back with a cheap deal from vodafone…. at first i regretted buying it because it was slow and i couldnt understand it…. i didnt use a phone that much anyway back then, and when i did start to use my phone again i found it so much easier after i paid it a little concentration. its all thats needed and this phone is great although still slow is a great phone and has everything you really want in a phone 😀 besides i get loads of compliments for how good it looks :L
I bought this phone a few days back, but i must say it is not user freindly, tough and harder to use compare with any other touch screen mobile. I think i wastage my money. damm it