Is It Possible To Change A CDMA Phone From Another Carrier Over To Cellular South

John S asked:

Hello all. I want to know in case I buy CDMA phone that was used with another carrier is released but is there any way I could program it for south phone. I was put in touch with the South cellphone and said that they could not do it. I just wanted to know in case there is anything I could to make me flash or reinstall the software on the phone. I was put in touch with the South cellphone which is the company I want to use it with and say that they could not do something.

1 thought on “Is It Possible To Change A CDMA Phone From Another Carrier Over To Cellular South”

  1. it is possible, but very complicated and not all phones work, you should contact Cellular South and ask them what they can do… you really don’t need to contact your previous service provider.

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