Efficiently Memorize/learn Cellular Respiration

aneal138 asked:

I'm taking the microbiology top and I'm taking organic chemistry I at the same time. I passed cellular respiration (glycolysis through the transport chain dell'elettrone) thouroughly in bio-I but did not include organic structures and enzymes that the teacher wants them hour power diagram from memory. Is there very efficient method to learn these processes well so that I can remember and disegnarlo out on the first test? I can learn, just take hullavolot time and was wondering how I should go about it. Thanks for any advice.

2 thoughts on “ Efficiently Memorize/learn Cellular Respiration”

  1. Mnemonics.

    A certificate in karma sutra should further my orgasm.

    As trivial as the above statement is, it’s the Kreb’s cycle I used at university.

    A = acetyl co-a
    certificate = citrate
    in = isocitrate

    edit: but as the person below me said, mnemonics are aplenty. What you’re really asking is how to memorise a list of facts (I can understand what you’re going through, my whole course is full of them). First and foremost you have to understand the concepts, only then you can learn them without any effort. Then you need to use a memory technique like the method of loci or tagging.

    Hi, im Jubayer, nice to meet you!
    well, here’s the thing, nmemonics are a plenty and so i dont thinK you need them cos if you have already learnt respiartion then you already know the stages right?
    ok so now onto the good stuff: there are 9 enzymes in glycolysis, and a further 7 or 8 in krebs. just get a biochem book for the names.

    STRUCTURES: glycolysis is the pathway for HEXOSES (six carbon sugars). so all the structures will have six carbon atoms ok? then what you gotta do is memorise the structure for glucose (trust me its so simple cos the only thing that changes are the OH (alcohol groups) as you go from one carbon to the other; look at a biochem book).

    Next – the first four (i think) intermediates of glycolysis are in the form of the hexagon shape glucose or pentagon shape fructose; the other five are in the form of three carbon molecules (makes sense because in glycolysis, the hexose is split into two three carbon mols).
    —-now you have a rough idea of the structures of glyc intermediates—————————————————-

    Then – the enzymes have very efficient names: they are named after the chemical structure of the substrate they just catalyzed and the way they did it. e.g. the first glyc structure is glucose, and the enzyme is GLUCOKINASE/HEXOKINASE : gluco/hexo stands for the sugar (no. of carbons) and kinase means that there is a PHOSPHATE group being moved ONTO the sugar. (dont freak out mate, as soo nas you look at a biochem book it’ll all blissfully fall into perspective!!).

    SO: taking the example i just gave you – the first enzyme is GLUCOKINASE/HEXOKINASE cos it catalyzes a six carbon sugar glucose. we know this cos the first four intermediates of glycolysis are all in the pentagon/hexagon shape.

    just take it from there ok? and please let me know if this helped you or not.

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