How Much Is The IPhone With Internet And Unlimited Text Messaging

eyes_set_to_kill29 asked:

The approval, so I really want the iPhone, but I don 't understand billing. If obtain the 'd probably get the Internet and sending text messages unlimited. As you think it 'll is the? Can someone please explain to me how the billing would it be? Thank you!

1 thought on “How Much Is The IPhone With Internet And Unlimited Text Messaging”

  1. With the iPhone all internet usage is included in the plan price. All data usage is included. The price of the bill is completely dependent on which plan you choose. That in turn will determine how much your total will be once you add in unlimited text messaging. Unlimited messaging by itself costs $20. However, many plans have unlimited messaging included in the cost of the plan. The best thing to do would be to go to at&t’s site and look.

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