How Does Skype On A Mobile Phone Work

mobile phone
Laura M asked:

I 'm examining the purchase of mobile phone as I recently moved back to live in the UK after having been in France for 2 years. I want power to call my French friends on their land lines and mobiles. I noticed that '3 mobile' Skype offer free in their phones. How does this work? It is easy to use?

3 thoughts on “How Does Skype On A Mobile Phone Work”

  1. i think you have to have the internet on your phone and then you download the program and use it on the internet

  2. You will need internet access on your phone for it to work. If you do not have an unlimited data plan (you’d know if you did) then it will cost a lot to be online for so long. The other solution is to buy a Pocket PC Phone Edition device (which will cost more) but then, supposing you have a wireless internet connection at home, you will be able to connect to the internet using WiFi and it will cost nothing.
    I prefer the O2 network. Search on their site for any O2 phones. They are likely pocket pc devices. Whatever you get you need to make sure it has wifi to connect to your home network. You also must already have a wireless connection.

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