As Canadian can I purchase cell phone and pre-paid cellular service in USA for six week period?
Cross by car through Montana, Idaho, Utah and Nevada on our sense for stay of 4 weeks to Phoenix in the winter. Don ‘t know much about the phone system in the United States. We want to avoid costly roaming charge them so won ‘t be using our Canadian cell phone. [Telus] Verizon or any other company has program pre-paid national can get evit diare roaming charges while travelling through these conditions and during our stay in the Phoenix area?
As Canadian I can buy pre-paid attend Helena Montana for period of six weeks? Also as Canada, can buy the phone and assisto in line before our departure?
of course, you can, go to one of the walmarts as well
um yeah just go to walgreens or best buy and get a virgin mobile pre paid cell phone. i dont know how much it is, but yeah
Stop at almost any pharmacy and buy a tracfone for anywhere from $10 to $16. You buy units as you need them. I am in a program that gives me double units for the same price, but I use mine a lot.
They also have an international calling plan that makes calls to about 65 countries including Canada count as local calls and you can also get up to two more numbers for the same phone so that friends and family in either Canada or Mexico can call you as a local call.
If you would like more information, you can contact me or check
tengo una pregunta, yo estare dos meses en la ciudad de toronto y me pregunto que es lo que me conviene si comprar un telefono celular que funciona con tarjetas pre-pago o simplemente comprar tarjetas pre-pago para telefonos fijos. me inclino por la opcion del celular, porque asi puedo estar comunicado en cualquier momento pero me pregunto donde lo puedo comprar, cuanto costara, y como funcionan las recargas del mismo, ademas cuanto son los cobros del mismo, en cuanto a mensages, llamdas, de manera internacional ya que mi pais es mexico.
si me puedes dar una respuesta gracias.
mi e-mail es por si tienes alguna respuesta