129 thoughts on “5530 Vs 5800 – Nokia Mobiles Compared”

  1. The new firmware for the 5800 (40.0.005) makes it a lot better, fixes a lot of bugs and includes the long awaited kinetic scrolling (like iphone), i was about to switch to the 5530 but now i’m staying with my 5800

  2. I´ve both. 5800 is better, but I like music player on the wall in 5530…and it is missing in 5800.
    5530 has horrible back cover:/

  3. whats so different about the two?i think 5800 is better but everybody thinks 5530 is better because of the touch screen and because its cheaper

  4. 5530 is better its got whatever u need WIFI, music, camera, faster browsing(wifi), 4gb memory is more than enough(if anybody needs more then he should buy PC). even you can download maps, satnav(Nizumu) and loads more. why to waste more for 5800 if u dont need that much

  5. the people are saying that nokia 5800’s screen break very easily….if u use it after a long time it’s screen will break..but 5530’s screen doesm’t break..help me which 1 2 buy

  6. i really lik ethe 5530 i just purchased it of ebay for £130 unclocked alomng side with £20 credit and it was brand new as i am a bargain hunter and i always get the best offers unlike you idiots hu buy them used for £150 with no credit HAHAHAHAHAHA loooosers !

  7. in my opinion 5530 is better than 5800 if u didnt need gps or 3g. i u need gps u can buy bt gps receiver and use with ovi maps which is in 5530 when u buy it. 5530 is slim and very comfortable in hand, tft screen is more responsive than 5800, 5530 its not so breackable like 5800, speakers better on 5530 coz its in front of phone , camera a lill better on 5530, design better on 5530 too and its cheaper. someone asked if 5530 conects to wireles router – yes it does, other one asked is he has 3d games – yes it does, and can play games like racing just turning 5530 to left and right and it will turn 😀 5530 is good but i wanna try iPhone 😀 so who wanna change?:D

  8. Guys 5530 is better thnx to “Ziw” he told me what i needed 5800 is badd in style and veryyy fat in hand and the keys aren’t touch as in 5530 who needs GPS yeah i beat u will not use it :/ but ok 3g in it is better why it’s the same if u have wireless in ur home.. so i’m just helping ok reply..

  9. Nokia 5530 Is Better ! i have The Both but the little one is better in everything
    i have GPS in 5530

  10. i am confused between 5530 and 5800. dad has asked me to decide till monday. i am seriously confused ppl. 😐
    all i get here are mixed responses. please confirm if the latest firmware for 5800 provides kinetic scrolling ?
    monday i am going to buy it. so please suggest. 5800 or 5530. i need urgent replies.

  11. Heck!!!!! mixed responses.. why?
    many told that there is no gps and 3g in 5530.
    but ‘mahmoud’ says “i ve gps on 5530” How? is it an external gps receiver as mentioned earlier?

    and in this scenario of 3G coming up isn’t it the 3G phones be Preferred

  12. i think ery1 should go 2 nokia 5530
    bcoz i have seen its clearoty trust mi itz superb
    compared 2 nokia 5800
    you will also get very bad stylus of nokia 5800
    both mobiles are of same pixels buh i will say nokia 5530 is advandsed dan nokia 5800

  13. You guys are all stuffed up the 5530 is worse, that’s why it’s cheaper they wanted to make a more afordable phone so of course it’s gonna have down falls plus who cares if it’s stylish it spend most of the time in your pocket. I personaly have a 5800 and my friend has a 5530 and he wishes he had my phone. And if u don’t wonna spend the mony go on a cap there both on a thirty dollar cap any way.

  14. dear 5530 user take this _I_
    go east go west 5800 is the best
    its not fair to do comparaison
    the place of 5530 its the garbage
    the place of 5800 is with our hand guys pay more little get too much

  15. hey does both the phones have the capability to track id of the song playing nearby us or on the radio???

  16. cumon guys. Both r nokiaz business commodity. I do feel good if a product gives me more than d paid money. 5530 is that product. I do work in a telecom service. Got a sim paid by my company. So i do browse about 3hours, call at least 2hours a day. Even writing you with it. Pic is good. I am so satisfied with my 5530′ what bout u?

  17. they both do the same thing guys 5800 is just dearer who cares about the camera? if you want great image quality get a real digital! camera!

  18. e moltissimo meglio il 5530 da vari punti di vista… Cmq tra il 5230, 5530 e 5800 è in piena meglio il 5530 fidatevi che io ho due amici uno con il 5230 e l’altro con il 5530… il 5530 lo batte 10 a 0!!!

  19. I’m using n5530 right now… Its great specially with the sound quality also with the firmware update it pwned n5800 so bad… The only down side is the battery life it dies after 4hrs of nonstop music playing but still its a great phone!! I love it!!!

  20. i don’t know why everyone keeps shouting about 3g or gps ?? i know they’re necessary evils but how many times do u actually depend on such small things?
    nokia 5530 seems to be a far more stylish and cool looking handset than 5800 which seems over sized and bulky.. (very uncomfy )
    5530 comes at a lesser price but has better design and a steel body and by the video i see that 553o has a better image quality too. anyone can buy a microSD so no need shouting about that too.. U can play 3d games on it too.. have kinetic scroller.. etc etc.

    im goin to buy nokia 5530 tonight

  21. OMG!!some of u r nerds, i have both and my 5530 has more and cooler apps than 5800, My friend bought a 5800 and it fell to the ground from a distance = about nothing because he was sitting in the floor it slipped from his pocket then the screen broke.how lame can a mobile be.
    i suggest u buy the 5530.

  22. 5530 is just a cheaper version of 5800. Its cheaper because some of its features of 5800 are not found in 5530. I guess 5800 is far far away better than 5530.

  23. in the video, the only have shot on night time is the 5530.. it has lomo effect but i dont know about the 5800.

  24. whatever anyone says I know that Nokia 5800 is the best phone in this range and it can never be compared to nokia 5233 or 5230 in any aspect.
    If anyone would give me 5233 or 5230 free even then I would like to Buy 5800 with my own money.

  25. 5530 pwns 5800
    I have 5530
    My classmate has 5800
    My classmates want mobile every day from one of us
    Who is it?
    Cooler apps,looks much better(ye girls love that,so they might love you through your mobile)+kinetic scrolling dat 5800 does not have.
    Ok now for the con’s:…Who needs 3g?its just for making more money out of people,3g is practicly useless.If you want to buy one of it,do 5530.5800 people are just pissed they picked up the wrong one.
    Gps=T_T,youre a traveller?Than get a bloody real GPS…roflmao

  26. ohh and about this….
    only problem:after collegues play like 5-6 hours per day at the mobile
    BATTERY dies….need 2 charge daily if you have annoying collegues,otherwise,you could charge it when you want

  27. i have dropped my fone a mil times….jus a few dents and thats cos its metal framed…and my screen??? nothing happned….this phones like a g-shoch for touchscreens..and the cpu speed is great….buy this fone only if u dun need 3g…cos gps can be used with additional devices like the ld3w and ld4w.

  28. get alone with it.why buy expensive 5800?it dont have sliding efect.save money to upgrade pc,why so money just for phone.and what the hell the 3g gonna do?not all people have front camera,so what then if u are caling a frend n he dnt have front camera

  29. camera difference :
    5800 :
    carl seizz optics Auto Focus 3.2 MP
    2 led flash

    5530 :
    Auto Focus 3.2 MP
    led flash

  30. It’s truly astounding to listen to all these people who want someone else to make their mind up for them. Read reviews, look at specs then make your own nmind up fgs 😀

  31. I have my 5800 v50.0.005 and I can genuinely say that it is amazing. Outstanding kinetic scrolling, very responsive touch screen, faster browsing, music player is fantastic. What more can you ask for? Best phone I’ve had so far. I dont give a damn to that 5530 phone.

  32. u guys hav it it even more confusing for the buyers of 5300 n 5800…..jst tell me which one to buy if i need access to net and a gud picture quality so tht i dont hav to buy a digicam…..ny suggestions out there???

  33. I think 5530 is the best
    but the only problem is the battary life (4.9 h)
    while the battary life in 5800 is (8 h) approx
    thanks for the review …..

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